
Environmental Sustainability

We responsibly manage and safeguard our environment, including its biodiverse ecosystems, while actively striving to minimise our environmental footprint.

Certified to ISO 14001!

BSI Certificate of Registration, Environmental Management System - ISO 14001:2015

We are responsible members of a global society Continually raising standards across our supply chain

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Companies can play a key role in accelerating the transition to a climate-neutral and more sustainable economy. To play this role, however, they need governance practices that ensure they understand the impact of their activities on the world around them, and take society and the environment into account when making business decisions.

  • Aim to become net zero by 2040

    We want to make a positive impact on the communities in which we operate and make a better and more sustainable future for all through initiatives aligned to the UN 2040 target.

  • Reduce our Co2e tonnes

    We are taking action to minimize our impact and explore innovations that have a positive impact on our customers and supplier carbon footprints. By 2028, we will have reduced our 2022 carbon emissions value of 1722 by a minimum of 10%.

  • Transition to green energy

    We know that the key to tackling the climate crisis is to end our reliance on fossil fuels. 100% of our electricity supply will be through a new or renewable carbon free service by 2025.

  • Eliminate waste

    We are committed to driving material and resource efficiency, aiming to reduce our plastic packaging and increase our recyclable office waste through our "Let's Be A Waste Free RB" initiative.

  • Ethically source our materials

    We are mindful of our impact and make responsible purchasing decisions by considering the entire lifecycle of products. We also ensure that our supply chains are free from any unacceptable labour practices.

  • Give back to our environment and communities

    We value improving our surroundings and strive to be good neighbours by supporting our local communities and contributing positively to society's progress. Our community engagement approach reflects this goal.

Find your local Service Centre

An extensive UK network of Service Centres, backed up by a central distribution facility.

  • Experienced multi-product specialists

  • In-house state of the art processing facilities

  • Large fleet of bespoke delivery vehicles

Esg service centre
Esg service centre

Generating value for all organisational stakeholders

Environmental considerations:

  • Biodiversity loss
  • Climate change
  • Renewable energy
  • Reduced carbon emissions
  • Green building
  • Deforestation
  • Pollution
  • Reduced waste
  • Water usage

Social considerations:

  • Equality, diversity & inclusion, race, gender
  • Bullying, harassment
  • Human rights, modern slavery
  • Privacy & data security
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Employee assistance program
  • Cultural heritage
  • Mindhealth awareness
  • Health & safety practices (for employees and the wider community)
  • Supporting local communities
  • Learning & development

Governance considerations:

  • Transparency
  • Leadership
  • Accountability
  • Decision making
  • Anti bribery and corruption
  • Risk mitigation and management
  • Robust health and safe environment
  • Quality management system
  • Sustainable supply chain, ethical trading

We are part of the Global Effort Working towards UN Sustainable Development Goals

In becoming our customers sustainable partner of choice, we must source and supply their needs through high levels of ethical standards, responsible business practices and a values led culture.

We will meet all stakeholders sustainability and profitability expectations whilst reducing the impact on our environment.

Equipment energy reduction

Scope 3 reduction

Recycled paper

Motion sensor switches

Solar panels

Vehicle telematics

HVO fuel

Electric vehicle charging ports

14001 accreditations

Green electricity

Employee engagement surveys

Native tree planting

Recycled promotional goods

EDI customer portals

Motion light switches

Recycling bins

Sustainable Development Goals Logo

Our sustainability agenda contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

We are part of the Global Effort background image

United, ethical responsibility throughout every supply chain

Find your local Service Centre

An extensive UK network of service centres is backed up by a secondary storage facility in central Europe

  • Experienced multi-product specialists

  • In-house state of the art processing facilities

  • Large fleet of bespoke delivery vehicles

  • Value-added services provider

  • Standard, non-standard and customer-specific material

Esg warehouse finder
Environmental stability hd