Generating value for all organisational stakeholders
Environmental considerations:
- Biodiversity loss
- Climate change
- Renewable energy
- Reduced carbon emissions
- Green building
- Deforestation
- Pollution
- Reduced waste
- Water usage
Planet Social considerations:
- Equality, diversity & inclusion, race, gender
- Bullying, harassment
- Human rights, modern slavery
- Privacy & data security
- Anti-discrimination
- Employee assistance program
- Cultural heritage
- Mindhealth awareness
- Health & safety practices (for employees and the wider community)
- Supporting local communities
- Learning & development
People Governance considerations:
- Transparency
- Leadership
- Accountability
- Decision making
- Anti bribery and corruption
- Risk mitigation and management
- Robust health and safe environment
- Quality management system
- Sustainable supply chain, ethical trading
Social considerations:
- Equality, diversity & inclusion, race, gender
- Bullying, harassment
- Human rights, modern slavery
- Privacy & data security
- Anti-discrimination
- Employee assistance program
- Cultural heritage
- Mindhealth awareness
- Health & safety practices (for employees and the wider community)
- Supporting local communities
- Learning & development