Our vision is to be the most trusted supply partner of consistently high quality metals and plastics. We will do this by eliminating risk for Customers and fulfilling a pivotal role in their increasingly quality–critical supply chain. Working in partnerships of high integrity and ethics with our chosen suppliers, we will challenge them to be the best providers of quality products, enabling us to satisfy our customers’ requirements and fulfilling their quality and service expectations.
Within our operational processes, we will seek to identify potential risks that could affect product quality and service provision. Management will monitor, measure and review, to ensure the achievement of agreed objectives, seeking to exploit all opportunities to continually improve. Operational objectives for each Service Centre are agreed at Annual Shareholders forecast meetings.
The organisation will adopt a co-ordinated and systematic approach in satisfying all applicable requirements through the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach and by applying the quality management system requirements outlined in ISO 9001, BSEN 9100, BSEN 9120 and other recognised standards where applicable.
Company and Service Centre management will invest in our staff to give them the skills, confidence and motivation to sell our products effectively. We will ensure that all staff involved in the supply chain are trained in quality based work processes in order to maintain the most effective long term customer service partnerships. This will be through technical expertise and standards of excellence, supported by a process of continual improvement, clear objectives, effective auditing, quality planning, and management review.
Senior management will ensure that sufficient resources are made available for the effective management and control of all work processes, and that the organisation is maintained at the standard necessary to undertake work for which it is approved.
We believe that this Policy provides a solid platform for ensuring consistency of approach in satisfying customer requirements through the provision of high quality products and superior customer service.

David Wycherley
Managing Director