Righton Blackburns are celebrating yet another year of SC21 awards. That makes it an unbroken run of twelve consecutive years with silver awards for our Plymouth service centre. Our other also took home silver awards. Righton Blackburns Portsmouth has now won silver ten years in a row, Bristol has done so for seven, and both Manchester and Glasgow a commendable five – a true clean sweep across the board!

What's our secret? Reliable, on-time, in-full deliveries (OTIF) and exceptional, trusted material quality are now ingrained in our company’s DNA. As Andy Gauler, Righton Blackburns' Aerospace and Defence Business Manager, puts it, the Silver award is "is testament to our consistent performance as a supply chain partner to customers working in the challenging industries of aerospace and defence."
While getting awards is nice, it’s a sign that Righton Blackburns are as committed as ever to delivering excellence for our customers. As Andy puts it, "SC21 is a very good box of common sense tools, that if used correctly, will improve your business and bring you closer to your customers and suppliers. Why wouldn’t you want to do it?"
Given our dedication to being a trusted supply chain partner and building a team of fantastic people to deliver on our promises, we will certainly have a chance to brag again next year.